Veterans Meeting 2023
AFTERCARE – Veterans meetings are considered a double celebration at the Therapy Centre. The former clients celebrate the reunions and the opportunity to demonstrate their gratitude for their success.
4-Day Therapeutic Programs
“Do you want to heal?” – Ten participants faced this fundamental question at our 4-day Therapy program at the end of November.
I don’t have to be like others, I can be like no one else! – Prevention in Schools
In September, several schools from different counties invited us to hold prevention classes.
The Challenges of Abstinence
The National Conference provides opportunities to communicate information about addiction.
“We Are a Big Family!” – 30 Years of Activity Among Addicts
“We Are a Big Family!” On December 17, 2023, we celebrated as a big family the 30th anniversary of the founding of the Reformed Rescue Mission and the Bonus Pastor Foundation.
Preventive Presence at Events and Festivals
We offered a rich program at the Vâltoarea Mureșeană and at the Christian music festival, “He is the Way!” in Târgu Mureș.
Preventive Camp for Children
A camp for 7-11 year olds in Szeltersz, between August 21st – 25th.