Preventive Presence at Events and Festivals
We offered a rich program at the Vâltoarea Mureșeană and at the Christian music festival, “He is the Way!” in Târgu Mureș.
Preventive Camp for Children
A camp for 7-11 year olds in Szeltersz, between August 21st – 25th.
12 Days Therapy 3/2022
12 days therapy program for addicts and their adult relatives at the end of August.
Annual Aftercare Camp
The traditional Annual Aftercare Camp will take place this summer at Harghita Christian Camp.
12 Days Therapy 2/2022
Bonus Pastor Foundation will be organizing again a new 12 days therapy program for addicts and their adult relatives.
Old Boys’ Meeting 1/2022
The first Old Boys’ Meeting of this year will take place at the beginning of May in Ozd.
National Conference 1/2022
End of April comes with a new National Conference to be organized at Belin.