Preventive Presence at Events and Festivals

Once again this year, we offered a rich program at the Vâltoarea Mureșeană and at the Christian music festival, “He is the Way!” in Târgu Mureș. Wearing special goggles (that simulated the effects of LSD, ecstasy, marijuana, and alcohol), we had over 400 young people try to complete different tasks with a ball. This allowed them to experience some of the effects of these drugs in a safe environment. Through leaflets, we drew attention to false myths about drug use. Both young people and adults were able to assess the extent to which they are exposed to drug, alcohol, gaming, internet, or work addiction. We were constantly bombarded with questions!

In group and individual discussions with our addiction counsellors and mental hygiene specialists, participants received detailed information and answers. During the two events, over 500 people (young people, parents, educators, and specialists) visited our tent, and we had many valuable discussions. We still have a lot of work to do in the field of prevention!