4-Day Therapeutic Programs

“Do you want to heal?” – Ten participants faced this fundamental question at our 4-day Therapy program at the end of November. During morning prayers, we shared stories of Jesus’ healing power – even power to heal addiction. The participants learned that through God’s grace and love, they could be healed from the disease of addiction. But for this to happen, they learned their need to participate in God’s healing. During the workshops, those struggling with addiction focused on the roots of their addiction (traumas, lack of problem-solving skills, and unresolved conflicts) which led them to substance use as an escape.

They began to find links between their past and present behaviour. They saw the importance of taking responsibility for their own actions. They formulated concrete objectives and together established concrete and achievable therapeutic steps.

In the relatives’ group, the focus included an intense process of self-awareness. The presence and testimony of our colleague from an affected but recovered family motivated the relatives to have patience and keep their hope.

“I understood that I shouldn’t give up because there is no situation without a way out!”

“I realised that work is not my problem, but how I manage it. I shouldn’t take on too much, but dedicate more time to my family, so I won’t need alcohol to relax.”