Feedback from the children: Children’s Prevention Camp – Summary

Camp between 29th of July and 2nd of August

Nr of children: 31

Camp team members: 12

Theme of the camp: “Who has ears to hear – let him hear” Mark, 4:23

We had the privilege not only to hear but also to see how God worked through this camp. We experienced His presence and we also enjoyed a true fellowship and heard the gospel faithfully preached and shared some beautiful moments with the children.

This year we had children from four different Chil’drens’sHomes and some children from tough backgrounds, where different addictions were present in their families. 

At the presentations and small group discussions, we heard of Jesus’s; parables about the good soil, the leaven, the pearl, the wheat, and the tares.

As for seeing, we marveled at the beautiful nature every day. We also learned how kürtőskalács (a traditional Hungarian pastry) was made—and we even helped make it. We watched how the basil plant grew and how the stream flowed, taught children to observe nature’s beauty, and encouraged them to slow down in this rushing world.

We made crafts, including friendship bracelets and small birds with yarn, and drew pictures. We also did face painting, sang by the campfire, and roasted bacon, marshmallows, and cookies. We threaded beads and played soccer, and we learned about medicinal herbs, butterflies, and grasshoppers.

There was the “Corner of Tales”, where a professional actor shared exciting life stories from the past, and we sang songs. We got to know God, the World’s Creator, and His Son, the Saviour Jesus, who transforms lives and saw the Holy Spirit work in children, who started to ask questions after different testimonies

We started out thinking we would be the ones teaching the children and giving. We didn’t expect to become the ones receiving from these children. We were blessed with their love beyond measure. We marveled at the beautiful nature surrounding us and enjoyed wonderful sunny days during this camp.

From the lips of the children;
“I feel so good here, I don’t want to go home! The best thing is that we are free to play here.”
“I’m not hungry, but can I have a sixth sausage?”
“I’ve changed now, haven’t I? I’m better than I was last year, right? Please tell my mom!”

These are the children who showed all of us the true value of life and love. We pray that they will experience God’s love and guidance.

Magdolna McAlister,
Camp Leader