What do we offer?
Because our hope is to see the Romanian culture recover from high levels of addiction, the Prevention programs hold at least equal importance as the treatment of dependency. Our prevention initiatives include lectures, presentations, workshops, children’s prevention camps and substance abuse simulations. We often conduct prevention programs at schools, churches and other organizations that request our help.
Category: Prevention
Target Group: General
Duration: Varying
Location: Varying
Frequency: On demand
Summarize the disastrous effects of addiction, expose misconceptions, describe treatment options, give the possibility of change.
The program consists of:
Professional presentations, workshops, personal testimonies, substance abuse simulations.
Participation Requirements:
We encourage schools, universities, churches and other organizations to contact us to make our prevention presentations at their locations. Our goal is to raise awareness about the true nature of addiction, and to draw attention to the dangers of excessive substance use.
The Romanian culture is still very poorly educated concerning how addiction can be addressed, that it can be recovered from, that there is hope for the addicted person. For many the only intervention that considered is admittance to psychiatric institutions, or medication. Because of this we not only emphasize the risks of substance abuse and misconceptions about it, but also want to bring the message of a hope for change to the those suffering from addictions, their families and loved ones.
We are also engaging in opportunities to undertake prevention work and presentation through media outlets (TV, Radio etc…).

Category: Prevention
Target Group: 8-11 years old
Duration: 6-7 days
Location: Varying
Frequency: Annually
Addiction prevention and care of children coming from families affected by addiction.
The program consists of:
Of first importance: Warm personal attention and love for every child. Also included: experiential learning sessions, prevention workshops, individual and group dialogue, team development sessions, Bible story sessions, games, sports, excursions, campfires.
Participation Requirements:
Doctor’s certificate that child may attend camp.
Children’s Prevention Camps are primarily intended for children who live in families affected by addiction, but we also make exceptions for other children on a case by case basis. Our goal is to break the cycle of addiction and to provide a community experience for participating children, which is a solid foundation for a healthy lifestyle.
Safe emotional and physical environments, regular meals, well organized programs, staff’s positive and supportive attitudes provide an example and a resource for the children that can help overcome the disastrous effects of addiction and overwrite behavior patterns that are learned from the family.