Welcome to the Bonus Pastor Foundation website!

If you have any questions about the Foundation’s activities, programs, or events please contact us through one of the contact details below. Our staff will respond to the inquiry as soon as possible.

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Central Office (Târgu-Mureș)

540331 Târgu-Mureş
Str. Mihai Eminescu 62/2B
Email: office@bonuspastor.ro
Tel: +40 752 246 861
Fax: +40 265 254 460
Customer Service: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm (weekdays)

Cluj-Napoca Office

400079 Cluj-Napoca
Str. I.C. Brătianu nr. 41-43, ap. 25
Contact Person: Mária Horváth
Email: maria.horvath@bonuspastor.ro
Tel: +40 744 237 945
Customer Service: by prior appointment

Odorheiu Secuiesc Office

535600 Odorheiu Secuiesc
Contact Person: Tünde Geréb
Email: tunde.gereb@bonuspastor.ro
Tel: +40 751 226 906
Customer Service: by prior appointment

Sfântu Gheorghe Office

520027 Sfântu-Gheorghe
Str. Gyárfás Jenő nr. 5
Contact Person: Ferenc Kozma
E-mail: ferenc.kozma@bonuspastor.ro
Tel: +40 757 489 778
Customer Service: by prior appointment

Therapy Center (Ozd)

547123 Ozd nr. 5
Jud. Mureș
Contact Person: Éva Adorján
Email: eva.adorjan@bonuspastor.ro
Tel: +40 743 039255, +40 787 691845
Therapy Center Tel: +40 265 483 214
(can be contacted weekdays between
the following hours:
10:00-12:30, 14:30-16:00, 21:00-22:00)


Therapy Center: Ozd

BPF Offices: Târgu-Mureș, Cluj-Napoca, Odorheiu Secuiesc, Sfântu Gheorghe

Support Groups: Brașov, Miercurea-Ciuc, Gheorgheni, Târgu Secuiesc, Cluj-Napoca, Marghita, Târgu-Mureș, Oradea, Sfântu Gheorghe, Satu Mare, Odorheiu Secuiesc